sk8 journal
Ice Skating
The road was not favorable for inline skating due to the recent snow - too wet, too much salt, too sandy etc. So, we did ice skating instead.
We went to Wallman Rink in Central Park and skated many laps.
They reshape ice surface every one hour so ice condition is pretty good.
It was my second ice skating and I enjoyed it very much.
Ice skating is very similar to inline skating, so I did not have any difficulty from the very first time.
I may want to get my own pair of skates, because rental skates are awful.
We skated from 20:00 to little before 23:00.
Total mileage was 3 miles (4.8km).
:: DATA ::
Skates: Ice Hockey Skates
Route: Wollman Rink in Central Park
Mileage: 4.8 km.
Weather: Temp. 28F (-2C). Winds 4 mph, Events Clear, Humidity 55%.